Get iOS 14 style Camera/Mic indicator on Android TV or Phone

Vishal Roy
2 min readJan 25, 2021


When it comes to privacy in the digital world, it's very rare. We are always surrounded by cameras and microphones all around us. Any app or software can anytime be watching on us, and we never know. So what’s the solution ?

The solution is the Privacy Indicator 🎙️

What is Privacy Indicator ?

Privacy Indicator is the magic wand that would help enhance your privacy by bringing one of the coolest features introduced in iOS 14 (access dots) to your android device. The best part is that it’s available for android phones, tablets and TV as well 📺

Yes, you read that right. Now your TV will also be equipped with an access indicator, letting you know when an app tries to access the Camera or Microphone.

How to use it ?

A glimpse of the app

Whether it’s a phone, tablet or TV, setting up Privacy Indicator is an easy piece of cake. All you need to do is to turn on the indicator switch to activate the Privacy Indicator accessibility service, and you’re done. Once the indicator dot shows up on your screen, you can now further customize it the way you want.

Once the indicator is turned on and everything is configured, you can close the app and let it do the rest 🎉

💡 Pro Tip : If you’re unable to see the indicator or the indicator stops working after a while, please refer to this guide to solve the issue —

Excited enough ?

Well, then it's time to give the app a try. Head over to Google Play, search for Privacy Indicator and smash that install button.

BTW, if you like the app, don’t forget to leave your rating and review on Google Play. In case of any feedback, feel free to shoot me an email at

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Vishal Roy
Vishal Roy

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